Live Your Dharma
A Four Week Program to Explore, Discover and Design a Path that Aligns with Your Dharma - Your Truest, Purest and Highest Self
Your Dharma is not a job or goal. It’s more of a feeling.
A feeling of truth… purity… energy… vitality. It comes when we finally find that path that sets our heart on fire. A fire blazing so bright it warms everyone around us too.
We can eat all of the healthiest food in the world, exercise every-day, do yoga and breath-work and take all of the right herbs, but if we’re not leading a life aligned with our dharma, it will still feel like something is missing. This might show up as a lacking motivation, a continuous fatigue, or a feeling of stuck-ness that you can’t quite unravel. Once we find our truest path, our Dharma, we are infused with a renewed energy which enters us from our deepest cells and vibrates up and out through everything that we do. It is as if the universe is screaming “Yes! That’s it! You’ve got it!” And it provides us with all of the energy we need to make the difference we’re capable of making through that channel. When we are doing something that is not right for us, everything will feel like a struggle. When we follow our Dharma, it’s not that there won’t be challenges, but the path will feel true, natural and authentic. We will feel like we’ve come home.
It’s important to remember that our Dharma doesn’t have to be one thing or one job. It also doesn’t stay stagnant throughout our live. It’s constantly changing and developing as we learn, grown and evolve. So how do we know what it is and how do we know when we’re on it? During this intensive four-week Dharma mapping program, you’ll working with Katie to discover and align your life with your Dharma, as well as learn the key signs to help you know if you’re starting to slide, as well as how to re-align.
Finding your Dharma doesn’t just change your path. It changes your life.
“One of the most powerful things that you can do
is walk away from a version of “success” that isn’t
in alignment with Your Dharma”
~ Sahara Rose
4 Week Dharma Discovery
The first week will be about exploring and discovering your deepest passions and unique gifts. Not just the things that you think “oh yeah, I like that” or “yeah I’m kinda good at that.” No, not just them. We are talking your true, authentic life-buzzing energy-generating passions… Your deep and pure community-building life-changing gifts. Sometimes they are buried underneath all of the labels and expectations we’ve collected from society along the way. But don’t worry, we’ll shed all of those heavy and redundant weights that aren’t yours to carry, and we will find the pure light - your truth, your essence, your authenticity - where all the true magic happens.
After feeling clear and confident about your truest passions and greatest gifts, we will begin to define your core values and highest vision. This will encompass both your personal and professional world and will take into account your physical, emotional and spiritual goals and well-being. We will look at your core values and vision and begin to understand the gaps between the life you’re living and the life you desire. We’ll then start building the bridges to bring the two into alignment.
We all have a loose definition of success, but when we really look at it, we’ll probably find that we inherited it from generations of minds conditioned by societies generalised standards that are not at all relevant to who we are and what we want. How often do we stop to ask ourselves if what we’re chasing is even what we desire? Or if what we’re doing is making us feel full? Making us feel happy? We’re going to wipe the slate clean and start fresh but developing a uniquely individualised definition for success that relates to nobody else but yourself. With this, we’ll also visualise and map the physical, mental, and spiritual vision for health, happiness and abundance. This will provide you with the foundation to progress and assess your own life based on measurements that are actually important to you. It will also take you out of the comparison rate-race and help you to focus on your own goal-posts that you know can and will bring you deep, true and sustainable fulfilment.
The final week, we will bring it all together - your passions, gifts, values, vision and unique definition for abundance and success - and we will map these components with each aspect of your life to ensure that you feel that you are truly living your dharma - personally, professionally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You will learn how to identify when you’re aligned with your dharma, and when things are starting to feel off balance so that you can quickly and intentionally re-align. You will finish with a renewed and re-vitalised energy, as well as tangible and actionable goals, steps and practices to sustainably live our your Dharma in your daily life. As much as this changes your life, it will also change the lives of everyone you touch.
Schedule :
The program is designed to run over 4 weeks, with one sixty-minute session every week. After the program, you will have the option to join the Living Ayurveda Monthly Membership where you can receive ongoing coaching, community and support.
What’s Inluded :
Four one-hour one-on-one sessions with Katie
Personalised follow-up reports, action-steps and resources after each session
Personalised unique Dharma Map to take with you at the end of the program
On-call support in between sessions via phone, text or email
Mind-body-spirit coaching toolkit to ensure your new habits are effective, lasting and sustainable