Your dosha is your compass guiding your
Health + Vitality
There are three energies in all of us which relate to the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When these are balanced, we feel strong and healthy. When these become out of balance, health issues begin to arise. Learning how to identify and rebalance our Doshas helps us to tune into our body and make intuitive food + lifestyle choices that create health, healing and sustainable vitality.
Vata is space and air and it is responsible for all movement. Health Vata creates enthusiasm, creativity, agility, excitement and zest. Out of balance, it can create anxiety, light-headedness, gas, bloating, pains, aches, indecisiveness, and over-all feeling of being scattered.
Pitta is fire with a little water. It is responsible for transformation, processing and intelligence. Healthy Pitta creates drive, productivity, activity and determination. Out of balance, it can create heat, anger, inflammation, burning, burn-out, agitation and irritability.
Kapha is made up of earth and water. It is responsible for building, holding and stabilising. In balance, Kapha creates strength, stability, loyalty, reliability, compassion and affection. Out of balance, Kapha can create stagnation, lethargy, laziness and sluggishness.
In Shala’s Dosha Quiz, you discovered your “Vikruti” which is your current state and imbalance. If you are interested, you can also discover your “Prakruti”, which is your natural constitution - the way you were born.
Discover My Prakruti
The Way I Was Born