Own Your Health
Shala shares a simple, modern and accessible approach to Ayurveda that empowers you to understand your body, heal your health and become your highest version of self. Not just for now. For ever.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a deep, holistic health system that gifts us the tools to create harmony between our mind, body, soul and the environment around us. Through this harmony, we create balance, and through balance, we create health and healing.
Ayurveda is the science and art of living a more healthy and wholesome life. It evolved alongside Yoga thousands of years ago and comes from the Sanskrit words ‘Ayur’ meaning ‘life’ and ‘Veda’ meaning ‘knowledge’. Thus Ayurveda translates into ‘the knowledge of life’ and its key goal is the health, healing and balance of the body so that you can live your best life with energy, strength, immunity and vitality. Ayurveda, a natural medical system based on thousands of years of science and wisdom, shows us that every illness or disease starts with an imbalance, usually a subtle one that overtime gets bigger, louder and deeper. The key is to identify and address the symptoms early and work with the root cause of the problem to ensure that the issue is sustainably resolved rather than just temporarily masked. Ayurveda prescribes individualised and unique treatment plans which incorporate food, herbal medicine, specific body treatments and holistic lifestyle practices to help you heal, regain balance and achieve your healthiest version of self. Ayurveda is not just a prescription. It is also a way of life - it is a lifestyle that empowers you to take charge of your own health, healing and ongoing vitality. We are all innately designed to thrive. Our bodies want to heal themselves. However, with the overwhelm of stress and toxins in our daily lives, they just got a little lost along the way. Ayurveda brings us back home. Through cleansing toxins, rebalancing our system, processing our emotions and strengthening our digestion, we re-instate our body’s natural intelligence and reconnect with our innate and intuitive ability to heal. Furthermore, when we are consistent with this lifestyle, we live in harmony with nature, prevent the onset of illness and disease and find our highest and healthiest version of self. Ayurveda’s approach is natural and gentle, yet it’s outcomes are powerful and transformative. Without a doubt, it will change your life forever.
For a deeper understanding of Ayurveda including key principles, differences and the three pillars of health, click here.
To me, Ayurveda
is like a big warm hug.
It is so gentle, yet
so powerful
I’ve had a diverse and colourful career, and one that thankfully eventually bought me to the beautiful path of Ayurveda. I began my career in Finance and Economics before realising it wasn’t the path for me. After that, I moved to America where I launched two businesses focusing on health, career and leadership coaching. I absolutely loved running these business and coaching people from all over the world, however, when I had my first son and moved back to Australia, it was no longer feasible to lead and manage my American companies. I took a few years off to focus on being the best mum I could, and then, after giving birth to my second son, I experienced intense depletion and chronic fatigue. I did all of the blood tests and tried all of the supplements, but nothing was really helping. At this point, the word ‘Ayurveda’ kept on showing itself to me in various forms, but I had no idea what it was. The more I researched, the more I connected with this beautiful way of life. I began to make a few small changes based on Ayurvedic wisdom. I wasn’t expecting much. After all, I wasn’t taking any new medication or even herbs. The changes were very gentle and simple. Remarkably though, the impact was powerful. I began to see deep and profound changes in my mood, peace of mind, concentration and energy levels. Somehow, the Chronic Fatigue that I had been told was “incurable” was vanishing. Immediately, I needed to learn more. The more I learned and lived Ayurveda, the more my health improved. Less expected was that my relationships - with nature, with others and most importantly, with myself - dramatically transformed. I began to see the world through a whole new lens. In particularly, I loved how the practice of Ayurveda felt so warm and gentle and yet so deep and powerful. Often, new diet and lifestyle changes feel like an uphill battle in our life - like they are the enemy. Ayurveda never felt like this to me. It always felt like my companion, supporting me to find and reclaim my healthiest self. The vision that always comes to mind for me when I think of Ayurveda is a big warm hug. Ayurveda not only heals you, it holds you. As my passion and love for Ayurveda grew, I decided that I needed to do some formal study so I could not only use Ayurveda’s wisdom for myself and my family, but also share it with the world. While I have been living and learning Ayurveda for years, I also formally studied Ayurveda at the Australian Institute of Ayurvedic Studies with Australia’s best Ayurvedic Doctor, Dr. Ajit. I am now excited and honoured to share this wisdom and science with you and with others in the hope that it offers you even a fraction of the joy, love, health and healing that it has bought to me. I don’t believe that Ayurveda changes anyone. I believe it just brings us back home to our truest self. And it is here that we discover our truest nature - one of love, health, strength and vibrancy. This is the path of Ayurveda. Come, join me.
I’m Katie, the owner and lead Ayurvedic Coach + Practitioner at Shala
‘Shala’ means home. It refers to a gathering place where people can practice, share, experience and grow.
This word instantly and intuitively came to me when I was envisioning my Ayurvedic practice. This practice is somewhere where you can come to feel at home in your body, your mind and your soul. Somewhere that you can feel secure to feel and express what you’re experiencing and know that you are in safe hands. It is somewhere for you to learn, heal, expand and grow. I hope that you feel all of these things from the moment that you walk in the door.
Explore Shala’s Programs
Combining my training and experience in health-coaching, emotional processing and neuro-science with the powerful wisdom of Ayurveda, I have designed my programs to be deeper, more extensive and more impactful than anything else you will find. If you are looking for a one-off consult or quick-fix answer - that usually later leaves you right back were you were - then this isn’t the place for you. I am not just about “fixing” your health issue. Yes, of course, when we work together, you will heal. Though my goal is to support you in a way that you eventually no longer need me. To help you learn how to make choices and design a lifestyle that keeps you strong, happy and healthy - not just for a moment here or there, but on a foundational and sustainable basis. To do this, I teach you how to live Ayurvedically. How to deeply understand and honour your body, enjoy food in a way that strengthens your digestion, move and exercise in a way that keeps you strong and balanced, express yourself in a way that supports the blooming of your spirit and care for yourself in a way that supports the nourishment of your soul. My programs are deep. They will take you on a journey not just of healing, but also of learning and living a new way of life. If you would like just a quick consult and a jar of herbs, that is fine. I can help you find a practitioner that will offer that. But it is not me. And I think you will find that even if your problem hides for a while, once you return to your previous way of life, you will return to your previous challenges in health. To find a new way of healing, you need a new way of living. If you are ready to start understanding and honouring your body, taking ownership of your health and healing, and creating a lifestyle that keeps you strong, balanced and full of vitality, then I am here for that. I am here for you. And I will not let you down.