”How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you”
~ Rupi Kaur
Abhyanga - Ayurvedic Massage
In Ayurvedic Medicine, massage has always played a major role in healing. It helps correct injuries, shape the organs, regenerate tissues and correct almost all of the internal malfunctions. Food provides us with nourishment from external sources, whereas massage soothes the internal resources and provides nourishment in the form of proteins, glucose and other vitalising chemicals within the body. Massage is also effective as a cleanser and helps to expel the toxins out of the body.
Ayurvedic Massage is different from other massages for a few key reasons:
It uses special medicated oils according to the individual’s specific body-type and imbalances in order to help heal, rebalance and rejuvenate the body and tissues
Specific strokes and techniques are selected and emphasised according to the individual’s body type so that each person has a tailored experience with maximum benefits
Special considerations are given to the Marma Points which are the special storehouses of energy. The human body contains 107 Marma Points and all of these are worked on during a Ayurvedic Massage
The 7 chakras also get special attention to help unblock any problems rising from them
It helps stimulate the deep and hidden energy of the Kundalini which lies dormant in the sacrum and is responsible for opening the deeper levels of the mind
It improves circulation and expels toxic build-up from the blood
It stimulates and strengthens the lymphatic system thus improving the immune system
It opens the flow of Prana, or Life Energy, by balancing all three Doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
In addition to these differences, Ayurvedic Massage also has a number of other key benefits:
It delays the ageing process by expelling toxins from the body’s seven layers of tissue and provides energy, vitality and nourishment to the tissues
It counters fatigue by relaxing the tense and stressed muscles that are causing tiredness.
It especially helps in balancing Vata which is one of the main imbalances in today’s society due to our busy schedules and constant use of screens. When Vata is aggravated, the central nervous system is affected creating pain in the muscles and joints. Balancing Vata helps to regulate the nervous system and reduce pain and aching.
It improves your digestive system by eliminating toxic build up and creating space for your system to act more effectively and efficiently