This transformative 8 week program provides you with the tools, guidance, diet, lifestyle, recipes, medicinal herbs, and fertility-boosting practices to gently detoxify your system, stabilise your hormones, strengthen + rebalance your womb, clear and release stuck emotions, and consciously manifest your ideal conception, pregnancy, parenthood and beyond.

Included in your cleanse:

  • 4 X Coaching Consults with Katie to answer questions, provide individualised guidance, and personally support and customise your program + treatment plan

  • Shala ‘Fertility’ Kit including:

    • Ayurvedic Fertility Boosting Herbs

    • Copper Tongue Scraper

    • Cleanse + Detox Herbal Tea

    • Fertility Boosting Herbal Tea

    • Sage Clearing Kit

    • Comprehensive Fertility Guidebook

    • ‘Cleanse, Heal + Conceive’ Recipe book

    • Emotional Processing Shala Journal

  • Weekly emails including tips, support + guidance videos

  • Shala’s Yoga, Meditation + Breath-work Library


Eight Week

This eight week program has been carefully designed to support, guide and empower your fertility journey. You will begin the program with a personal private Coaching consult with Katie and will then receive your Shala ‘Fertility’ Kit which includes everything you need to get started. The program is organised into eight key areas, one for each week, as outlined below. You will also have personal Coaching Consults with Katie every two weeks to check-in on any questions and ensure you have all of the guidance, support and empowerment you need to see the results you desire. Although the main goal of this program is to boost fertility and ultimately conceive, this program will serve you far beyond conception. As you heal and boost your fertility, you will also be healing and boosting your overall health and vitality, and you will see the powerful implications of this in every aspect of your life - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Preparing for pregnancy is about much more then just achieving conception. It’s about creating the necessary balanced, healthy, loving and nurturing landscape not only for an embryo to grow, but also for a family to thrive.

  • During this week, you will*

    • Begin new ‘Cleanse + Heal’ Dinacharya - Daily Routine

    • Start taking Ayurvedic Cleansing herbs

    • Begin adjusting food + lifestyle to physically prepare the mind + body

    • Cleanse + restock kitchen + pantry to prepare for cleanse + detoxication

    • Purify environmental energy

    • Emotionally release through a Guided meditation, visualisation + ‘Letting Go’ ceremony

    • Daly Cleansing Yoga, Meditation and Breath-work Practices from the Shala Library

    *With support from the Guidebook, RecipeBook, Journal, Coaching Consult + Weekly Videos, you will be 100% guided though each of these steps.

  • During this week, you will*

    • Continue Cleansing Dinacharya - Daily Routine

    • Begin Cleanse Week Diet

    • Increase Dosage of Ayurvedic Cleansing Herbs

    • Continue Releasing Toxic Emotions and Stuck Energy using the Shala Journal

    • Daily Cleansing Yoga, Meditation + Breathwork Practices from the Shala Library

    *With support from the Guidebook, RecipeBook, Journal, Coaching Consult + Weekly Videos, you will be 100% guided though each of these steps.

  • During this week, you will*

    • Continue Guided Dinacharya - Daily Routine

    • Continue Ayurvedic Cleansing Herbs

    • Gently begin re-introducing certain foods, as per guidance

    • Track Food Sensitivities Based on Re-integration Plan

    • Be Guided to Design Post-cleanse Food and Lifestyle Plan that serves Your Ongoing Health + Healing

    • Be Guided to Intentionally Align your Food and Lifestyle Habits with Your Food and Lifestyle Goals + Desires

    • Learn How to build and Strengthen Agni - Digestive Fire - for Stronger Gut Health + Metabolism

    • Learn Key Food and Combinations to Enjoy and Avoid for Ongoing Gut Health

    • Learn How to Support Emotional Metabolism + Digestion for Improved Mood, Well-being, Hormonal Health and Nervous System Regulation

    • Daily Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Breath-work Practices from the Shala Library

    *With support from the Guidebook, RecipeBook, Journal, Coaching Consult + Weekly Videos, you will be 100% guided though each of these steps.

  • During this week, you will*

    Continue Guided Dinacharya - Daily Routine

    Begin Ayurvedic Fertility Herbs

    Learn and Begin Powerful Practices for Reproductive Health + Womb Care

    Explore , heal and nurture your relationship with your reproductive system + cycles

    Daily Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Breath-work Practices from the Shala Library

    *With support from the Guidebook, RecipeBook, Journal, Coaching Consult + Weekly Videos, you will be 100% guided though each of these steps.

  • During this week, you will*

    • Continue Guided Dinacharya - Daily Routine

    • Continue Ayurvedic Fertility Herbs

    • Learn about doshas, your constitution and how it affects hormonal and nervous system health

    • Make food and lifestyle adjustments to heal and balance your health, inside + out

    • Daily Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Breath-work Practices from the Shala Library

    *With support from the Guidebook, RecipeBook, Journal, Coaching Consult + Weekly Videos, you will be 100% guided though each of these steps.

  • During this week, you will*

    • Continue Guided Dinacharya - Daily Routine

    • Continue Ayurvedic Fertility Herbs

    • Be guided to deeply explore, discover, heal and expand your personal relationship with your body

    • Design and set personal boundaries, internal + external

    • Process stuck emotions and release what no longer serves you in order to identify and clear internal blockages that are holding you back from your heal + healing goals

    • Daily Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Breath-work Practices from the Shala Library

    *With support from the Guidebook, RecipeBook, Journal, Coaching Consult + Weekly Videos, you will be 100% guided though each of these steps.

  • During this week, you will*

    Continue Guided Dinacharya - Daily Routine

    Continue Ayurvedic Fertility Herbs

    Be guided to deeply explore, discover, heal and expand your personal relationship with your body

    Design and set personal boundaries, internal + external

    Process stuck emotions and release what no longer serves you in order to identify and clear internal blockages that are holding you back from your heal + healing goals

    Daily Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Breath-work Practices from the Shala Library

    *With support from the Guidebook, RecipeBook, Journal, Coaching Consult + Weekly Videos, you will be 100% guided though each of these steps.

  • Item description