Health + Healing Workshops

Deep, powerful and interactive trainings + workshops for your organisation or Yoga Studio. Support your community to learn and live the healing power of Ayurveda for enhanced health, strength, immunity and vitality. Choose from a range of transformative workshops or powerful trainings. If you’re a yogi interested in one of these workshops or trainings, ask your studio to get in touch! Custom workshops and trainings also available.

  • The Three Paths to Healing From the Wisdom of Ayurveda

    Support your health with the three paths to healing:

    1. Clearing Ama, Toxins

    2. Strengthening Agni, Digestion

    3. Balancing the Doshas, Energy

  • Balance Your Dosha + Honour Your Body with Ayurveda

    A deep introduction to Ayurveda, your unique dosha and imbalances and how you can make tailored food and lifestyle adjustments to create great health, well-being and vitality

  • Ayurvedic Nutrition and The Medicinal Value of Food

    Learn which foods support your body, flow with the seasons and discover the medicinal qualities of various foods, kitchen herbs + spices. Feel empowered to take control of your health and well-being, the natural way.

  • Take Your Teaching + Practice to the Next Level with YogaVeda

    Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences, and having an understanding of one will broaden and deepen your understanding of the other. Learn how the science of Ayurveda can take your Yoga to the next level

  • Cleanse, Heal and Re-energise with the Power of Ayurveda

    Almost all of our ailments begin with two things - the accumulation of Ama, toxins, and the weakness of Agni, our digestive fire. Learn how to cleanse your Ama and strengthen your Agni for renewed health + deep healing

  • Nutrition, Intuitive Eating and Restoring Relations with Food

    Even though food is here to nurture and nourish our mind, body and soul, it still creates internal struggle for so many. With the wisdom of Ayurveda and the power of Ayurveda, fall back in love with Nature’s greatest gift

Get in touch.

Interested in bringing the power of Ayurveda to your organisation or Yoga Studio? Enter your details below and we’ll be in touch