4 Week Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Training + Immersion

Coming Early 2024

The Ayurvedic Lifestyle Training and Immersion is an intensive four week program designed to welcome you deep into the world of Ayurveda… to learn the beautiful language so that you can speak it both in your personal and professional life. You will finish with a deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles and how they apply to food, lifestyle, yoga, and daily activities. You will learn the signs of imbalance and the most important tools for vibrant health and deep healing. This program is not just about learning new things. It is about learning a new way of life. A way of life that is deeper, richer, clearer and more beautiful than you could ever imagine.
That is the gift of Ayurveda. Join me. And let’s unwrap it.

Training Curriculum

4 consecutive Sundays: 9am - 5pm

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • During this week, you will:

    • Discover the six tastes, or Rasas, and how each one corresponds to a different element and dosha

    • Understanding which foods balance and aggravate different doshas

    • Discover which foods and spices to eat during which season for health and balance

    • Learn how energetics affect meals and health

    • Discover how to choose, prep and cook food for optimal nutritional value

    • Learn the medicinal properties of kitchen herbs and spices and how to use them for both cooking and healing

    • Learn the rules of food combining and which foods can create toxic combinations in the gut

    • Discover the practices of Ahara Vidhi, including when, how, and how much to consume

    • Using the principles of Ayurveda to make nourishing sattvic meals

    • Cook a delicious Ayurvedic lunch together

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The best way to learn Ayurveda

is to live Ayurveda


Who is it for?

This course is for anyone wanting to truly and deeply learn the principles and language of Ayurveda. You might be:

  • A yoga teacher wanting to better understand your sister science and how to use the principles to enhance your classes and better serve your students

  • A holistic health practitioner wanting to expand your knowledge and practice to include the wisdom of Ayurveda

  • A parent looking for more natural and holistic health solutions to support your family’s health and well-being

  • A seeker on your own personal healing journey wanting to understand the beautiful science of Ayurveda and how you can embrace it for your own health and healing

What if I don’t know much about Ayurveda?

That is absolutely no problem at all. You will receive some course prep material which will give you a basic introduction into the world of Ayurveda. After that, everything you need to know will come during our training deep dives. At any point, you may also wish to add to a one-hour personal consult with Katie so that you can learn more about your personal constitution. This is highly recommended to do before you begin the course so that as you learn the material, you know exactly how it applies to your personal dosha and circumstances.

Will it be held in other regions and is there an online option?

The programs are currently in beautiful Melbourne Yoga studios, typically East or South-East Melbourne. This differs depending upon the student cohort and the studio availability. Over time, we may look to take the program to other regions and cities. If you are interested in this program being closer to you, please let me know here. 

There is currently no online option because  we feel it dilutes the learning and power of the teachings. If you are interested in beginning or deepening your Ayurvedic learning journey online, please check out the various Ayurvedic webinar workshops hosted by Katie.

What if I can’t make one of the Sundays?

Because there are only four Sundays in the training, it is important that you are able to make every one. If you miss even one Saturday, that is one quarter of the course and it means that you will have a diluted experience. If you know you won’t be available one of the weekends, it is best to wait for the next cohort to get started. Please do still get in touch so that we can secure your spot for the next round.

The next four week program will be held in early 2024. Please register your interest below. If you have questions or would like to learn more, schedule a discovery call.