Cleanse + Reset

 in 4 transformative weeks 

“Each symptom is the body’s voice trying to communicate that something in our life is out of harmony. If we can solve the mystery, important lessons are learned and we have the opportunity for true healing to take place”

~ Dr Marc Halpern

4 Week Cleanse and Reset

  • The first week will be a complete in-depth health analysis to understand your current health challenges, healing blockages and best-self vision. From here we will devise a personalised treatment plan to work-on together during the four week program. The plan will begin with a seven-day tailored cleanse to be carried-out during the first week of the program which will include a meal-plan and specific foods, spices, practices and activities to support your cleanse. You will also receive your personalised prescription of Ayurvedic herbs that will address your health challenges and healing goals. The session will close with a short cleansing meditation and pranayama practice. After the session, you will get a summary of key insights and action steps as well your personal ‘health and healing homework’ to work-on between sessions.

  • In week two we will review the health and healing plan, make any necessary adjustments and answer any questions you may have. We will then discuss the next stage of the plan which will be to Nourish and Restore. This will include new meal-plans, activities and lifestyle practices to support you in your health and healing goals. You will finish with a clear personalised dinacharya - daily routine - and food and lifestyle plan. You will also receive tailored recipes, yoga asanas and pranayama practices for your specific dosha to help you heal, restore and rebalance. You will continue on your Ayurvedic herbal protocol as guided. The session will close with a short restorative mediation and pranayama practice. After the session, you will receive a summary of key insights and action steps as well as your personal “health and healing homework” to complete between sessions.

  • In week three, we will review how everything is going so far and make any necessary adjustments to your health and healing plan. At this point, we are half way through and you will already be feeling much healthier and stronger. We will continue with the Nourish and Restore phase and further refine your meal-plan and lifestyle practices to deepen your healing. We will also review any aspects that aren’t working for you or any blockages that are holding you back. This week will also include a short healing meditation and visualisation activity. After the session, you will receive a summary of key insights and action steps as well as your specific ‘health and healing homework’ to complete before our final session.

  • In our final week together, we will review and celebrate your deep healing and put-in-place a powerful personalised plan so that you can continue to develop and meet your best-health-self. We will assess how far we have come in meeting your health goals, and how to address any obstacles or challenges still in place. You will receive a tailored food, lifestyle and herbal protocol to continue following for the next eight weeks to solidify your health progress. The session will close with a short health-protection meditation and re-energising pranayama practice. After the session, you will receive a complete program summary that you can take with you and refer back to whenever necessary. You will also receive a copy of Katie’s Ayurvedic Recipe e-Book - “From the Love of Ayurveda: Seasonal Recipes for Health and Healing”

Schedule :

The program is designed to run over 4 weeks, with one sixty-minute session each week.

What’s Inluded :

  • Four sixty-minute one-on-one sessions with Katie

  • Personalised follow-up reports and resources after each session

  • On-call support in between sessions via phone, text or email

  • Katie’s brain-and-heart based coaching toolkit to help ensure your new habits are effective, lasting and sustainable

  • A copy of Katie’s Ayurvedic Recipe e-Book and personalised recipes for your individual constitution and current imbalances

How it Works:

The sessions can take place online or in-person at one of Shala’s Melbourne locations. After each session, you will receive a personalised in-depth follow-up report with key points from the call, next steps in your health, lifestyle and nourishment plan as well as any additional helpful recipes and resources. You can also contact Katie as needed between sessions with any questions you may have.


The investment is $1,400. Please request if you would like a personalised payment plan.

Next Steps:

If you feel your heart has spoken and you’re ready to begin, please sign up here and you’ll receive an in-depth email with next steps and a scheduling link for your first session. If you still have some questions, please schedule a discovery call here.

Maybe you are searching among branches for what

only can be found in the roots

~ Rumi