Our Innate Ability to Heal + Thrive Depends Upon
The Flow of Communication Between Our Cells
Toxins block this flow
In Ayurveda, toxins are know as Ama. Ama is the root cause of all disease. A little bit is unavoidable, but the more it builds, the more havoc it creates! Cleansing Ama is one of the first + most important steps towards Health + Healing.
It all starts with cleansing Ama! Imagine trying to paint a new house without first sanding, or bring in new furniture without first clearing out the old. It doesn’t matter how beautiful you try to make it, it will still feel off. This is also true for our mind and body. Before we try to eat the best food, take the right herbs or increase our levels of exercise, we first need to clear away all of the icky sticky toxic build-up which is weighing us down and compromising our body’s innate intelligence. Once we cleanse Ama, only then we can start working towards the health, energy and vitality we desire!
Doshas are energy. We need just the right balance of energies in our mind and body in order to feel our best! Too much heat and we get irritable or inflamed, but too much cold and we become weak and constricted, affecting circulation and respiration. Too much heaviness and we become dull and sluggish. But too much lightness and we can become scattered and anxious. When we balance our doshas with the right food, herbs and lifestyle practices for our unique mind and body, we are able to harmonise and stabilise our system, creating newfound levels of health, immunity and vitality.
Our Agni is what helps us digest not only what we eat, but also what we feel, think and experience. It is the fire that lights and fuels ever cell in our body. When our Agni is weak, our metabolism is too and we tend to feel heavy, sluggish, stuck or unmotivated. We might find ourselves uncomfortable after meals and frequently getting sick. When our Agni is strong, we feel healthy, light, clear and energised. Our appetite and digestion are both strong and we rarely get sick. Agni changes anything, and so we need to make sure we are constantly and consistently keeping it strong!
“We take a shower everyday to wash our skin and sometimes our hair. But how about our insides? How about the ama, the toxins, that have accumulated in our tissues, our organs, our heart and our mind? A cleanse provides us with this opportunity. To clean and clear all that is stuck so that we can release the old and make way for the new - new space, new energy, new health and new vitality! This is the art and science of Ayurveda”
~ Katie Bennett, Shala Ayurveda