Work Together One-on-One
Food + Lifestyle Design Intensive
This four-hour intensive is designed to radically review, reset and redesign your food, lifestyle and mindset. Using an understanding of your unique dosha, current challenges, health goals and unique personality, we will develop a customised treatment plan for you to immediately implement. It will include healing strategies, Ayurvedic remedies, a personalised dinacharya, a tailored food plan, custom Ayurvedic recipes and specific movement, asana, meditation and pranayama practices for your body type. The program is a combination of an interactive at-home reflection and assessment, a deep and intensive one-on-one session and a post-session one week follow-up support call.
Twelve Week Health + Healing
This is Shala’s signature program for deep healing, renewed energy and total transformation. The program is designed over twelve weeks which is how long it takes for all of the cells in our body to totally regenerate. We will cover all areas of your health and healing and you’ll also learn the language of Ayurveda so that you can carry your new-found vitality far into the future. The program has three unique parts. First, a total cleanse to remove ama - toxic buildup - from your system. Second, a healing and dosha rebalancing protocol through food and lifestyle practices. Finally, part three - Nourish + Transform - will equip you with the skills, tools, resources and mind-set to for long-term sustainable change.
Four Week Dharma Coaching
For anyone feeling a little stuck in their energy, purpose, contribution or direction, this program is designed for you. Our Dharma is our unique path. We know when we’re on it because it energises every part of us, from the inside out. During the first two weeks of this program, we will unpack your unique passions, gifts, strengths and personal vision. We will also design your unique definition for success, one that is not swept up in society’s expectations and conditions. In the second two weeks we will begin aligning these discoveries to your unique dharma so that you can embody and express your highest and truest sense of self bringing you energy, healing and fulfilment.
Living Ayurveda Membership
Every client has the opportunity after finishing their program to join the clients-only Living Ayurveda Monthly membership. This membership and community is an opportunity for you to continue to connect with others who share a similar vision for health, healing and abundance. You will also receive a forty-minute support call every month to check in, have your questions answered and stay empowered to live and embody your truest and highest version of self.
Book a Discovery Call
Not quite sure which program is for you? Book a complimentary 20 minute discovery call below.